Thursday, December 19, 2013

Song Writing Inspiration Part I: The Birds

This is the first of a three part series on what inspires me (Eric) to create.

One day in April I was getting up to go to work at my brother’s greenhouse, and when I looked outside found that it had snowed overnight.  For someone who was born in the tropics and spent a good amount of his adult life near the equator, winter is not easy. Or should I say, for me, winter is not easy, because I would guess that there are those who love it despite having spent a large amount of time in the tropics. On top of that, by April, one feels that winter should be quickly becoming a thing of the past instead of a current event. Needless to say, I was a little discouraged as I headed out to get in the freezing car for yet another numbing drive. It was in this state that I was confronted with a startling truth. When I opened the door to go outside, it was not the cold that hit me, but the birds singing. At that moment I realized that despite the cold and the snow, spring was here, and the birds would be filling the air with their songs again, and this filled me with a desire to create.

This is not the first time that others’ music has inspired me. I have found that others’ music, film, art, architecture and all other sorts of creative acts have filled me with a desire to create; sometimes about the very thing that is prompting me, but more often just to create in general. In return, we hope that we are inspiring others.

Who or what is feeding your creative juices? What is driving you to create?

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