Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Three Years, One Month, 24 Days and Counting

Thoughts from Eric...
Have you ever had a favourite band post an announcement stating that they have finished recording and the album should be available in say, 6 months? In the past when I saw that I thought, "What is taking them so long? Why are they stalling?" I now think, "Wow! How are they getting it done so fast?"

I was curious to know what was our earlist recording that ended up on the album, so I shuffled through our early tracks, checking the dates. The earliest I could find are the guitars for Eastern Sky, recorded on Sunday October 5, 2008. We started recording in general before that date but nothing from earlier remains. What a process. What a learning experience. The guitars on that song have more noise than any other track, (which was intentional of course to give it that "in the midst of a great wasteland" feel). At that time we would only work on it for a few hours Sunday afternoon or during the holidays. From there we continued to get it wrong more often than we got it right but each time learning a little bit.

This last 6 months I have been working on it most days of the week, and Caleb whenever he could find time, and it is not done yet. I thought with the release on November 19 that it was finished, but we are continuing through the process of getting the physical cds and making the album available on other music distribution sites. Maybe when the cds arrive in mid-December we will be able to say emphatically, "We are finished!" I will not be surprised though if something else were to pop up, adding to our day counter.

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